Safe and affordable bus transportation in Morocco

Smart savings: Insider tips for budget friendly trips in Morocco

The welcoming people, beautiful landscapes, warm weather and unforgettable souvenirs make Morocco a must visit destination for all types travelers. Backpackers and on budget travelers will definitely have a blast traveling Morocco thanks to our traveling tips.
Here are some insider tips for savvy travelers looking to explore this enchanting country on a budget.

Flexible travel dates

Consider adjusting your travel dates for potential cost savings. Off-peak seasons often come with lower prices, and flexibility allows you to capitalize on the best deals.
Luckily Morocco’s weather is welcoming all year long.

Explore local food

Dive into Morocco’s rich culinary scene by opting for local food. Not only will you savor authentic flavors, but you’ll also find that these establishments are far cheaper than touristic restaurants.
You can get recommendations for your local host, friends, or literally anyone on the street. Moroccans are very friendly and love to help.

Eco-friendly and cost-effective transportation

Opt for eco-friendly travel by choosing buses for your inter-city journeys. connects you to quality-labeled buses like CTM and Supratours, ensuring a comfortable and affordable travel experience.
In cities, rely on public transportation like buses and trams. It’s not only cost-effective but also a great way to observe local life.

Free walking tours

Immerse yourself in the local culture and history with free walking tours. Many Moroccan cities offer guided walks, providing insights into the beauty and stories of each location without costing a dime.

Pack smart

Save on excess baggage fees by packing smartly. Morocco’s diverse climate means you can often travel light, allowing you to explore freely without the burden of heavy luggage.

Embrace the Riad experience

Consider staying in a traditional riad for an authentic Moroccan experience. These charming guesthouses often offer competitive rates and an intimate atmosphere.

Negotiate souvenir prices

Practice your bargaining skills when shopping for souvenirs in the bustling markets. Negotiating prices is a cultural norm, and you might just snag a fantastic deal.

Connect with locals

Engage with locals to discover hidden gems and gain insights into budget-friendly activities and attractions. The warmth of Moroccan hospitality might just lead you to unforgettable experiences.

Embark on a budget-friendly adventure with these smart savings tips. With as your travel companion, exploring Morocco becomes not just affordable but also an enriching experience.