Who are We ?

We are the best and the cheapest way to book bus tickets online in Morocco. . is a platform that allows travelers to search for bus schedules , compare multiple offers, book their seats and buy bus tickets online in 2 minutes, to anywhere in Morocco. offers total transparency on timetables and prices, fast and easy to use webApp, 24/7 support, ...

A sign of its success, is today a partner and exclusive seller of several Internet carriers, includingCTM , TassaoutJana Viajes , Tcheks ToursBab SalamaGlobus...


Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Bus booking made easy with :

Just enter the desired date as well as your departure and destination cities in order to obtain in real time the list of trips offered by the different companies serving the route. On each trip, the platform displays all the needed information about your trip : duration, price, equipment and photo of the coach ... etc, once You choosing the offer that suits your lifestyle and schedule, select the seat you desire and book it.

The website is secure with "SSL certificate", and bank card payments protected by "3D SECURE"Payment is made in cash or by bank card. Once the payment has been made, a ticket code  is immediately transmitted to the customer and the carrier,  by SMS and Email containing all the informations you may need during your trip : Departure and arrival dates and addresses, phone numbers for extra support, payment details , ...